By: Jack Guyler

Does believing in and living for Jesus matter? This might seem like an obvious question with an even more obvious answer. That is, unless you buy into the false teaching of Universalism. It is actually not a new thing. It was first suggested by church father Origen in the third century. It has influenced great thinkers and theologians such as Karl Barth, and more recently Rob Bell in his very controversial book at the time in 2011, “Love Wins.”


There are many different versions of it, but it basically teaches that when all is said and done, all people will go to heaven. Regardless of what you believe or how you live, you will end up in heaven. Most universalists teach that sin doesn’t separate us from God nor is repentance required to follow Jesus. Universalism is the type of thing that comes out of a movie – where everything has a happy ending. It is perhaps the way we would script the world. The problem is, this isn’t what scripture teaches nor is it what Jesus taught.


This is an easy question to answer. It is popular because it requires no responsibility on anybody’s part to live what they believe. It allows for all religions and beliefs to be equal. And in the end, everyone has a happy ending basking in the beauty of heaven with no talk of judgment or hell. Rob Bell in “Love Wins” says that hell is basically what we experience here on earth in things like war, crime and abuse. It is popular because many people can’t rationalize a “loving” God with judgment or hell. Others wrestle with that only Christians go to heaven while all others go to hell, and then conclude, hell must not exist.

Universalism is also a reaction against Dante’s Inferno from the Middle Ages, Fire and Brimstone preaching from the First Great Awakening movement, from fundamentalist’s judgmentalism and hatred and those who believe in a “works righteous” religion, never sure if they have done enough to please God.

At the end of the day, Universalism is a popular belief because it gives everyone a happy ending to life without having to think critically about what Jesus actually taught or about any consequences as to how they have lived their lives.


1. Sin separates us from God. The bible and Jesus are clear that sin keeps us from being in relationship with God and from right standing with God. I would invite you to read Romans, chapters 1-5 and it will become evident to you that sin is a big deal; and that sin is the reason why Jesus came to die for our sin so that it could be forgiven and that its power could be nullified. Jesus spoke often about repenting of sin and being forgiven of sin. Sin is what stands in the way of us having a right relationship with God. Sin is what keeps us out of heaven. Christ is who brings us together with God when we turn to Him and receive Him as our Lord and Savior. Paul makes this clear in Romans 10:9-10

“That if you confess with your mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord’ and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved.”

2. You aren’t automatically saved. The bible is clear that we are all born into sin – we have a sin condition. Paul said to the church at Ephesus “they were dead in their transgressions and sins.” He was referring to how they use to live before they became alive in Christ. Paul says a lot in his letters about the difference between those who are alive in Christ and those who are dead in sin. Not everyone knows God and just goes to heaven. There is a turning away from sin and to God that must happen for salvation to become real in a person’s heart. Jesus put it this way in Mark 1:15:

“The kingdom of God is near. Repent and believe the good news.”

3. What we believe and how we live matters! There are consequences to every action we take in life. Universalism is wrong just because it violates this life principle. While God is full of grace and love, He is also a God of justice and holiness. He has standards that He will not violate. The purpose of Christ is to forgive our sin (our shortcomings) and give us the power to live in a new way to pursue holiness and good character. Believing in Jesus is more than just saying “I believe in Jesus” and then go on living as if He doesn’t matter. In our world, we are crying for justice at all levels. God would not be loving if He allowed people just to get away with everything – including crime, abuse and racism. People will be held accountable before God. Either people will have lived their lives for themselves doing what they want with no regard for God and will be punished accordingly or they will humbly seek forgiveness and justification through Christ and enter into eternal relationship with God. If we believe it doesn’t matter how we live, then we will live this way. If on the other hand, we live knowing the truth that sin has consequences and how we live matters, then we will live on purpose and with purpose for God!

Universalism contradicts the basic message of the bible that there is one God and that people must turn to Him for salvation – and that salvation gives us right standard with God and calls us to live a holy life by the power of the Holy Spirit.
