By: Jack Guyler

Yes, you can create new habits that will support you in building a better life. From a Christian perspective, Romans 12:2 reminds us that transformation is possible. In fact, the Christian experience is built upon the principle that when persons come to Christ, they have the possibility of new life. Not only new in the sense that they are forging a relationship with the Living God, but that their lives can change now for the better. That it is possible for people to begin to grow the fruit of the Spirit and develop quality characteristics such as being loving, kind, gentle, and having self-control. These types of personal qualities speak volumes about the power of Christ in our lives.

Not only does the bible state this, but so does neuroscience. We used to think that once the brain was fully formed, it couldn’t grow or change anymore. However, neuroscience has taught us that the brain has the ability to change – known as neural plasticity. This means the human brain has the capacity to change and grow, which can lead to new behaviors as the brain renews itself. This is what Romans 12:2 says when it talks about transformation coming from the renewing of our minds.

Here is what Dr. Susan Rieck states: “Pathways in the brain are made by connections between neurons (nerve cells). When a behavior is performed, the connections between these cells change with the frequency of the behavior performed. These neural pathways are like grooves in the road maps of our brain. The more frequently we travel the road, the stronger and more second nature the behavior.” [1]

And isn’t this true in our everyday lives? The more we travel a road or go the same way on a trip, the easier it becomes because we know the route so well. When we first traveled over the road, we weren’t sure where we were going, but after a while, we learned every twist and turn in the road and where every pothole is and where the danger areas exist. This is true in every aspect of our lives. In other words, we can train ourselves through repetition to do something new.

As Dr. Reick goes onto to remind us, just because we have created neural pathways that have become really ingrained in the past, doesn’t mean we can’t create new ones. In fact, the same way we created the old ones, through practice and repetition, we can create new neural pathways that will empower us to create new habits in our lives that will benefit both us and others.

How do we do this? “The key is to begin the new behavior, repeat it many times, and associate it with as many positive thoughts, sensory experiences, and visualization as possible so that it becomes a new pathway of action and purposes in your brain.” [2]

Both the bible from ancient times and neuroscience from our modern day are saying the same thing – you can change your life by developing new habits, at any stage in your life. This should be great news to you! So, yes you can create new habits in your life beginning today. There will be nothing more gratifying than creating new and healthier habits in your life that will bring joy and stability to you, to your relationships and to your family. And as a Christian, you will better honor God with your life and be light and salt to those around you for His glory.

TAKE AWAY: Because your brain can change, you too can change by developing new habits in your life.

1, 2– “The Brain & Our Habits: Natural Pathways to Wellness”, Susan Reick
