By: Jack Guyler

Our trajectory in life matters more than the results of any given moment. James Clear points out that if you are on a flight from Los Angeles to New York and the pilot upon take off adjusts the heading just 3.5 degrees south, you will land in Washington D.C. rather than New York. This small change at takeoff isn’t even noticeable, but when it is magnified across the United States, you end up hundreds of miles from your intended destination. He goes onto state that similarly when we make slight changes in our habits and patterns, they can lead us to very different results than we had intended. [1]

Where you are currently is far more a result of your overall trajectory than any one decision you made today. This is true of your health, your finances, your fitness, your relationships or any aspect of your life. Anything done over a period of time will be magnified – good or bad. In other words, if you want to project where you will be in a few years, look at what you are currently doing. Or look at your current trajectory. Are you working out regularly? Are you eating healthy? Are you saving more money than you are spending? Are you treating your family well with love and mercy or being demeaning and angry? These are questions that we need to ask ourselves to see honestly where we are. Because where we are will show us our current trajectory in life.

The bible talks about the sowing and reaping principle in Galatians 6:7. This is similar to the trajectory concept that Clear talks about. If we sow hate and bitterness toward others, eventually we will become a bitter and miserable person, and others will treat us that same way. However, if we love others and choose to forgive, our trajectory will be one of love and forgiveness and we will see evidence of this in our own lives, and others will treat us with love in return.

Trajectory is about your flight path, not the bumps or turbulent air along the way. If you are on a good trajectory with your fitness, then one bad day or missed workout isn’t going to deter your progress. If you are managing your money properly, one bad month of unexpected expenses isn’t going to finish you. Rather than looking at the immediate result of a bad day, you can look to your overall trajectory and see the progress you have been making. This will propel you beyond the bad day or missed workout to stay on course toward reaching your goals.

TAKE AWAY: Where you are headed (your trajectory) is more important than the result of a given moment or day

1- Atomic Habits, James Clear


