Our health is vital to all of us. And a big part of our health is our financial health. Our perspective on our financial health and money really makes the difference between those who are financially healthy and those who are not. You might think it’s the amount of money that people have that makes them healthy, but it isn’t. The very rich can be just as paranoid and insecure about money, if not more so, than the poor. So it’s not about the amount of money you have, but your perspective on the money you do have. Let’s dig into that a little more in this blog.

First, you can over-extend and overspend no matter how much money you have or don’t have.

Second, ask yourself what your money says about you? Are you rich? Do you have spare money? Are you a spender or a saver? To keep things in perspective, if you make over $60,000 annually, you are in the top 1% wage earnings in the world. Even the average American family is in the top 4% wage earnings in the world. If you have traveled to different parts of the world as I have, you get a better perspective as to just how blessed you are with resources and funds as an American. Ask yourself, did you go on vacation in the past year? Did you do any unnecessary upgrades to your home (things that didn’t absolutely need to be done)? Have you gotten a new car, phone, devise or something else just because you wanted it, but didn’t really need?  My point here is, perspective is important. When you realize what you have and can purchase or can’t purchase, it helps you approach money from a healthier position.

Third, let’s not kid ourselves. Money is important and even essential! Just try living without it and see what happens. But here is the healthy perspective we need to ponder – money can add to your life, but it can’t be the meaning of your life. Jesus put it this way:


“Watch out! Be on your guard against all kinds of greed; life does not consist in an abundance of possessions.” -Luke 12:15


Here is what Jesus is saying: while possessions (you know, cars, houses, jewelry, techy devices, the latest whatever…) can add to your life, but they can’t be the meaning of your life.

Fourth, Jesus told a parable about the talents. Three men were given different amounts of talents. For our purposes, each were given three different amounts of money to manage. One was given a huge amount, the second a good amount and the third, a smaller amount.  But here is the take away: none of the three owned the money. All three managed someone else’s money. And none of the three got to keep the initial amount nor the amount that was earned on investment. All three had equal opportunity to manage their given amount of money well.  

What was Jesus’ point? Like the three men, we are given money by God. You might say “you earned the money by working hard so it’s yours.” But think about it. And this is where perspective comes in. Unless God gave you the grace to get your job and the health and skill to perform your job, you wouldn’t have earned the money. If you see your money as only your money, then you will spend it differently than if you have the perspective that you are managing the money with God in mind because it’s His money. The truth is, all that we have – talents, skills, possessions, family, kids, spouse, friends and yes money – all come from God. They are borrowed not owned.

Here are four principles to keep in mind about your money that will help you manage God’s money that He has given to you:

  • Track your spending

  • Make a monthly budget

  • Manage your money – don’t let it manage you

  • Don’t spend more than you make

Ask yourself, how am I doing managing the money that God has entrusted to me? Because at the end of your life and mine, God will ask each of us, “How did you manage what I gave you in your life?”

As you can see, our perspective about money is the key to our financial health!

Until next month, God bless and stay healthy!



Finding Strength in Weakness
